The Future of People and Organisations
Photo P. Pache « Le sacre du printemps » with the kind permission to futura21 of The Fondation Béjart Ballet Lausanne
Organizational Projects – Consulting – Coaching – Training
Change management and organizational transformation
Skill and job change professional mobility and career transition
Leadership, individual and team management
Professionnal and personal resource development
For over 25 years
Reading your own partition, playing a unique movement
futura21 provides guidance to people and organizations in a wide range of sectors:
In tune with all changes in
working environments
Adapting to change, a XXIst century competency
As adapting is no longer enough, we need to find a real meaning when building our new routes to the future
We do not tell the good fortune but we help in building the future
The futura21 DNA
The spirit of futura21 programmes
Living and sharing together a professional and human experience
Photo Sophie Lavaud – Himalaya